Our Clients & Portfolio
Your success is our concern
We have over 30,000 clients all over Sri Lanka who are benefited from our various software solutions. The Followings are some major clients
of EmetSoft selected from various industry sectors.
Major Success Stories…

“EMET Treasury Operation Manager” for Department of Treasury Operations in Sri Lanka The “EMET Treasury Operation Manager” Software which was introduced, developed, implemented, and maintained by EmetSoft has been operated successfully at the Treasury Operation Department of General Treasury Since 2005. This software was designed to encompass all the activities of Treasury Operations managed by the department. This software follows the exact procedures of government treasury operations as well as the government accounting procedure plus the government accounting code structure to operate it successfully.

“Sky Finance” the Aviation Finance Management Information System (ERP System) for the Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka We introduced, developed, implemented, and maintain an ERP System which was called “Sky Finance” which has seven modules namely, Finance Management, Asset Management, Inventory Management, Investment Management, Invoice Management, Vehicle Fleet Management, and Payroll & HR Management. The system is a centralized system on a Local area network that links the departments of CAASL which facilitates the functions of the required modules.

Institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka (IPM) was founded in 1959 by a small group of professionals with the objective of developing and promoting the profession of personnel management. The Institute was subsequently incorporated by an Act of Parliament in 1976, and its name was amended by Act No. 31 of 2018 as the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM). They are having average 5,000 -6,000 live students at any given time.
We provide them continuous solutions including Student Management solution based on Moodle, Examination Management including live exams using Lockdown Browser and Turnitin, etc..

Inaugurated in the year 1812, the Ceylon Bible Society (CBS) is one of the oldest established societies in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon). The CBS is an interdenominational Christian organization involved in the translation, publication and distribution of Scripture related Material Island wide. Since joining the United Bible Societies in 1966 the CBS has become part of the international network of Bible Societies who work towards the goal of making the Bible accessible and affordable to all people. The Governance structure of the Bible Society is laid down in the Act of Parliament. This structure was one that was in place from the inception of the Society in 1812 and was merely given a legal identity by the Act.
CBS uses ERP system for all departments developed by Emetsoft, including Finance, Human Resource, Store and Inventories, Supply management, etc..

Prisons Information Management System (PIMS)
The Department of Prison (DOP) manages the provision of custody, care, and correction for inmates in accordance of the prison ordinance, rules and regulation, escorting remand as well as convicted prisoners to and from courts and general direction and administrative control of all prisons, reformatories and open prison camps. The overall administration of the DOP is being carried out based on the rules laid down in the Prisons Ordinance enacted as ‘an ordinance for the better regulation of Prisons Act No. 18 of 1844’ and subsequent legislations incorporated into the same. The DOP, as a separate Government department was established in year 1905.
We provided PIMS, which is fully compliance with the objectives of the DOP. The system is implemented centrally in the Lanka Government Cloud (LGC) where the all organization under the DOP will be able to access the system. The system is implemented in a Virtual Private Network (VPN) where the information security is very high though the system is engineered in a way of securing the entire system with industry best practices as well as security standard.

The Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM) is a self-financed and semi-autonomous body affiliated to the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. It is located in a spacious location in Borella, Colombo 08. It aims to promote advanced education and professionalism in management in Sri Lanka through the provision of postgraduate instruction, training, research, and development in the various branches of management and administrative studies. Today, it serves the national interests of professional management education and training, providing challenging opportunities for learning and skills development to thousands of senior-level managers and administrators, in becoming the “nation’s management mentor”.
We have provided following major solutions for the PIM during past years including eLearning Management (Moodle based) and Comprehensive Student Management Systems, etc..

Dehiwala Mount-Lavinia Municipal Council (DMMC) was established under the Municipal Council Ordinance Number 16 of 1947, the second largest municipality in Sri Lanka. For the past period DMMC has been the authority of Administration within limits of municipality, charged with regulations, control and administration of all matters relating to public health, public utility services and public thoroughfares, and generally with the protection and promotion of the comfort, convenience and welfare of the people and the amenities of the municipality. In addition, the DMMC has a wide variety of immovable properties and equipment to be managed.
We provided completed and integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System for the DMMC which includes 10+ major modules including Finance Management, Revenue Management, Human Resource Management, Store and Inventory, Supply and procurement, Reservation (booking), Online Payments, SMS integration, Library Management (koha customization & integration), etc..

Our systems are successfully implemented and maintained in 30+ LGAs over 10+ years. The Revenue Management and Finance System is well directed by the stipulated laws such as Municipal Councils and Urban Councils ordinance and Pradeshiya Sabha act. Specific requirements provided by these laws are strictly abided. In this scenario, the products have been customized to the requirements of the relevant Local Government Institution. That includes temporary issuance of a receipt, receipt formats, UI customization, report customization, online payments, SMS integration, Koha customization, search option customization, customization of calculation methods (Assessment Tax calculation, calculation of future payments, tax calculations, etc.) etc.

This system is successfully implemented and maintained at the University of Vocational Technology provide progressive upward movement to the students in the technical education and vocational training system, based on their aptitudes and abilities, to acquire a university education, which consists of 13 software modules that cater different functional areas of the university namely; Student Management, Student performance, Industrial Placement & Job Placement, Alumni Registration, Human Resource Management System with Payroll facility, Finance Module with Performance-based budgeting system, Facility & Resource Management, Course Management, Examination, graduation management, & certificate printing, DMS: Document Management System, Library System, QMS: Quality Management System, and Report Module with Report Generator

Implementation and Maintenance of a Financial Management & Reporting (FMR) System for ICTAAll the initiatives and programs implemented at the ICTA are constantly being monitored to evaluate their effectiveness and also all Financial Management and Reporting (FMS) aspects are recorded to ensure transparency of funds utilizations for the interest of the ICTA management and for the donor organizations. The EMET Finance Management & Reporting system implemented by EmetSoft well served since 2010.
A Snapshot of Our Customers